Tandem BQH Session
Sessions are offered in person or online via Zoom
Service Description
In a Tandem session, Tena will facilitate both you and Karen going into trance together. These sessions are often very powerful as we find that having a support person with you eases any fear or anxiety you may have in connecting with your Higher Self. With Karen by your side, it allows you to feel the deep validation and resonance that is already within your soul. Plus, it's fun to have hypnosis buddy! And also allows for double the information to come forward. As Twin Flames, Karen and Tena create a sacred healing energy of love and support for you to rest within. For those worried about connecting with your Higher Self, having a tandem allows you to participate, be present within the experience and empowers you to trust in your own inner knowing--which is the whole point of having a session in the first place. We recommend tandem over surrogate if you are able, can make the time and can speak for yourself. Payments are made here: http://paypal.me/tenawaters
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please inform us 24 hours before your scheduled session via email as this will be time stamped. In cases of last minute cancellation, 50% of the total amount will be refunded.
Contact Details